Wednesday 7 February 2018

Preventing WannaCry Ransomware: A Detailed Guide

WannaCry ransomware is a serious threat for internet users, and was an actual global cyber security threat last year, with opinions from experts that the threat will continue to remain even in 2018. The WannaCry ransomware usually locks users out of their computers and encrypts all their files, which may be unlocked and encrypted if the user pays USD 300 in bitcoin. This price doubles after the completion of three days of encryption. If the amount is not paid, then the user will never gain access to his or her files, and the worst part here is that if the system on a shared network, the malware will affect the other systems in the network as well, compromising the security of other users as well. According to last reports, WannaCry ransomware has spread across a total of 150 countries, and has affected more than 250,000 computers, including bank, university, warehouse and hospital systems.

Combating and preventing the ill effects of WannaCry has become extremely important in today’s day and time. So today, we are going to take a look at the various steps by which one can prevent the WannaCry ransomware. Read on to find out more.

Keeping your Windows Updated

If your system runs on Windows 7, 8.1 or 10, you need to install the regular system updates to get ransomware fix that may help to keep your system safe and secure. If you have turned off automatic Windows updates, make it a point to turn it back on so that you can receive all updates as and when they are released by Microsoft.

Keep your Automatic Updates on

Just as we were saying before, it is important that you keep your Automatic Updates on for receiving regular Windows updates. Windows users usually turn off automatic updates to speed up their systems, as system updates have a tendency to slow your system down. But turning off the updates might not be a smart move if you want to keep your system free from the WannaCry ransomware, as the ransomware fix offered by Microsoft is the only defence mechanism against WannaCry. So turn on automatic updates today.

Use A Ransomware Blocker of Some Repute

You might have an antivirus program installed on your system, but there is no guarantee that the program will be able to fend off the WannaCry ransomware, especially if you do not update your software regularly. There are quite a few antivirus brands out there that cannot protect your system from the ransomware. What you need to do is get your hands on a free ransomware blocker MalwareBytes Anti Ransomware, Cybereason Ransomfree, etc. that can help you to keep the WannaCry Ransomware out of your machine. 

Ensure Extra Safety by Blocking Port 445

Another smart move to keep the WannaCry Ransomware out of your system is to block the TCP port 445, as this action allows you to make your system a whole lot less vulnerable, especially if you have not downloaded the ransomware fix via official OS updates.